I know what you're thinking. How in the world could brussel sprouts ever taste good? I know most of you are thinking back to the times of boiled brussel sprouts with that nasty slimy texture. Yuck! When you boil brussel sprouts, it's very easy to over cook them and then they taste bad. Well, today we are not going to have to deal with that ever again my friends. Yes, this is one of my greatest glories! If I can make my brother in law like asparagus, then I bet I could make him like these! One really good thing here is that I have unlocked the secret to making good brussel sprouts and it's actually healthy. Yeah I know I said a dirty word, healthy. It's the perfect time for you to give this a try as I know some of you are on your new year's resolution of dieting.
1/2 lb Fresh Brussel Sprouts
2 Tbsp. Olive Oil
Extra Olive Oil to have on hand
Sea Salt and Pepper to taste
First, make sure you soak the Brussel Sprouts in a bowl of cold water for 10 minutes to get rid of any dirt. Make sure to get rid of any brown leaves or anything that doesn't look good. Prepare the Brussel Sprouts by cutting off the stems right up to where the leaves meet. Then cut each little cabbage lengthwise.
Coat a large frying pan with Olive Oil. Place Brussel Sprouts with the flat side down, making sure the larger ones take up spots that will be hotter in the pan. Spray Brussel Sprouts with Olive Oil. If you don't have an olive oil sprayer then it's fine to brush just a little bit of Olive Oil on top. Season with Sea Salt and Pepper. Cook on medium heat until flat side is brown (about 8 minutes). It's ok if you get kind of a charred look. That means that part will be crunchy and even tastier. Just don't burn the snot out of it.You may need to add more Olive Oil throughout the cooking process just to keep the bottom wet.
Ever so delicately, take your handy dandy tongs and flip each cabbage over. If it takes a while you may need to take the pan off the heat for just a moment until you flip everything. Don't be afraid if you have some loose leaves in the pan. That is perfectly normal. Sometimes the little cabbages like to move around in the hot pan and can actually flip back over. Season with Sea Salt and Pepper on top of the flat sides. Cook on this side until you get a brown or charred bottom (again, about 8 minutes). Enjoy this as a hot side dish!
So there you have it folks, a delicious way to eat your veggies. For the best results, don't use a non-stick coated frying pan so you can get your food nice brown.
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