A Banana Bread that Beats the Rest!

Everyone claims that they have the best banana bread recipe.  Many of the ones I try of other people end up incredibly bland, too dry, not sweet enough, too moist, tastes stale when it is fresh, etc.  It thoroughly upsets me when people claim to have the best recipe for banana bread when they have made it for me and it tastes awful.  Some people do make some ok recipes, some make good banana bread.  I have a recipe that comes from my grandma.  I'm sure she probably got it from her mother.  Her recipe was awesome.  But it wasn't until I added in vanilla to make this recipe stellar.  Vanilla makes almost anything baked taste better, right?  Beware, this recipe makes your house smell absolutely phenomenal!  Here's what I do.


1 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter
3 bananas (2 large is fine if in a pinch)
2 cups flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla

Cream butter and sugar, then add bananas and vanilla. Mix in baking soda and salt to evenly distribute. Lastly, add flour and mix. Pour batter in greased bread pan and let stand 20 minutes. You can cover with a towel if needed. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. BAKING TIMES VARY FROM OVEN TO OVEN, CHECK AT 50 MINUTE MARK!


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