Grape Jelly Meatballs, a Recipe that Lasts

My Great Aunt Joan is a wonderful cook.  I haven't seen her very much throughout my life, but every time I've seen her, she makes me feel special.  One time I got stuck in a snowstorm with my mother on a trip to Chicago.  We had planned to go shopping and check out the town.  The conditions were the worst we had seen in years.  Luckily part of the way there, we were able to stay with my Great Aunt Joan and Great Uncle Larry in a moment's notice.  It was incredibly nice of them.  We arrived to their place very late at night.  They greeted us with the best pork chops I've ever had in my life!  My mother and I stayed the night.  We never made it to Chicago but made it home the next day.  I come from a family of excellent cooks.  None of us have taken it upon ourselves to become professional chefs but the qualities are definitely there.

If you're doing a double take on the title grape jelly meatballs, don't be taken aback.  These are awesome appetizers to bring to parties.  Most people don't like the sound of them but they are probably the best kind of meatballs I've ever had.  The closest comparison for those who never had these, they are very similar to sweet and sour meatballs.  I plan to pass this recipe down to the next generation as it is a keeper.  Thanks Aunt Joan!

Aunt Joan's Grape Jelly Meatballs


1 1/2 Lbs. Ground Beef
2 Eggs
1 tsp Garlic Salt
1/2 Cup Bread Crumbs
1/2 tsp Salt
Pepper to taste

Mix ingredients together and form 1" balls.  Brown all sides, making sure they're cooked all the way through the middle.

Add to a mixed heated saucepan of:

10 oz Grape Jelly
12 oz Chili Sauce

Serve Hot and Enjoy!
