These really are supposed to look like wreaths but we had to make them look more like holly bushes. You can certainly spend the extra time forming them into wreaths, but we just have better luck dropping them by the spoonful onto wax paper. These are so beautiful yet so easy and your guests will be impressed. There's something very addicting about these.
1/2 c Butter
30 Large Marshmallows (you may just use a whole normal size bag)
1/2 tsp Vanilla
3 1/2 c Cornflakes
Green Food Coloring
Red Imperials (aka. those hot cinnamon candies called Red Hots)
Melt Butter and Marshmallows in a large pan on the stove. Add food coloring to desired look (maybe about 1/4 tsp of the one in liquid form) and Vanilla. Mix in cornflakes. Drop by spoonfuls on wax paper ( I like to grease mine as these can get super sticky). At this time you may shape into wreaths or however you'd like. Decorate with the Red Imperials. Let sit 8 hours at room temperature. Store in air tight container.
This recipe comes from my Grandma.
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